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Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling?

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling?

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling?

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling? Couples therapy sessions are not always held with both partners or the entire family present. Individual therapy sessions are frequently incorporated into a couple’s treatment program by a couple’s therapist.

Despite the fact that the goal of a one-on-one counseling session is to gain more insight into the relationship, a patient can learn more about themselves in this manner.

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling? Sharing more detailed information with a counselor about your day-to-day life, your spouse’s least favorite characteristics, or the true depth of your sadness, for example, will provide the therapist with a complete picture of your relationship without the stress of a partner’s defensiveness or denial.

Getting these things out in the open, on the other hand, allows your therapist to help you deal with your emotions, thoughts, and behavior in a more healthy way. Furthermore, you may be unaware of the impact your relationship-related stress is having on your emotional, mental, or physical health until you begin to discuss your feelings with your counselor.

Even if couples therapy does not result in a restored marriage or partnership, the tools and techniques you learn in your counseling sessions can assist you in developing a strong and healthy relationship with your next significant other.

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling? Many couples, even those in happy relationships, face difficulties but avoid confronting them. According to Gottman, the average couple waits six years before scheduling therapy.

Most people dislike discussing difficult topics or exposing their vulnerability, and many people believe that going to couples therapy means finally admitting there is a problem in their relationship. Others are concerned about finding a mental health professional who will be a good fit for them and their partner.

Is Relationship Counselling A Good Idea?

Is Relationship Counselling A Good Idea?

Is Relationship Counselling A Good Idea? Relationship counseling can be a good idea for couples who are experiencing difficulties in their relationship. A trained therapist can help couples to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and work through issues that may be causing problems in the relationship.

It can also help couples to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their partner, and to develop new skills for building a stronger and more satisfying relationship. However, it may not be necessary for all couples and it’s best to consult with a therapist to determine if counseling is the right option for you and your partner.

Is Relationship Counselling A Good Idea? Relationship counselling provides a structure for you to nourish and build on what works in your relationship while providing a safe space to work through issues.

Like many couples, you may find yourself repeating the same arguments and patterns, or you may want more intimacy or work through a breach of trust.

It’s common these days to be tired, stressed, and worn down by work commitments or child care, leaving little time to focus on your relationship and each other. Busyness can sometimes fill the void left by not looking at what is going on.

It can be reassuring to know that periods of conflict are normal and can be worked through if you are in one. What matters is how you handle the conflict.

Is Relationship Counselling A Good Idea? Understanding the different stages of a relationship helps you understand your relationship better. It can also be reassuring to see that what you are experiencing fits within a stage.

Attraction – Little effort is required to feel loving and loved

Maintenance – Getting to know each other through day-to-day living

Polarisation – Conflicts and arguments arise that create distance

Healing – Conflicts are worked through

Intimacy – Trust and good communication bring security and closeness

Attraction – Feeling Loving and Loved

We usually see the best in each other during the Attraction Stage. We are drawn to our partner’s characteristics that complement us or that we would like to see more of in ourselves. Attraction is based on shared values, similar status, shared ambitions, and interests, in addition to physical attraction. It also contains an unconscious component.

Our unconscious is drawn to people who are “familiar” in some way. We are drawn to people who fit our unconscious bonding pattern in relationships.

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling? Some couples seek relationship counselling early in their relationship because they have been hurt in the past and simply need some support or reassurance, or they want to work through some differences to allow the trust to develop.

Understanding the messages you received about relationships and trust as a child can help you understand your feelings rather than being controlled by them.

Maintenance – Day-to-Day Living

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling? We get to know each other through our daily lives. A loving emotional bond develops as a result of getting to know the real person and being known ourselves. Unless a couple actively works to keep their relationship fresh and alive, feelings of desire and passion tend to fade.

It’s natural to be disappointed when our partner fails to live up to our expectations. We may not yet feel safe enough to be fully ourselves and say what we feel at this stage, so we find ways to avoid major conflict or feeling vulnerable. Anger or withdrawal can be used to shield the relationship from underlying emotions.

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling? We may avoid major issues out of fear of losing the love we desire. We are comfortably close but avoid becoming closer, even though a part of us wishes we were. Couples who are in a distance/pursuer pattern are not uncommon.

One moves away, while the other pursues. Some of us have relationships that appear to be fine on the outside but are not relaxed and free to be ourselves on the inside. Suppressing our feelings saps our energy and sexual desire.

Perhaps that something is missing feeling. or the “I don’t feel like I’m being myself?” sensation. You may be the “good partner” who has learned to please at the expense of your needs because you have learned that you must be “good” in order to be loved.

Maybe you want more passion and grit, but we’re not sure how to incorporate it into the relationship. So often, the answer appears to be, “Our partner needs to change,” or the answer appears to be outside the relationship.

Is Relationship Counselling A Good Idea? Relationship counseling can help you communicate more effectively and feel safe enough to explore what is important to you. We are interested in how you as a couple create a shared pattern. It’s a relief to be looking at a shared pattern for which you both accept responsibility and work together rather than focusing on who is to blame.

Relationship counseling is more than just discussing issues. It’s also about learning how to appreciate one another and find ways to nourish your relationship.

Polarisation – Conflicts and Arguments Create Distance

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling? A healthy relationship includes some degree of conflict. What matters is how we communicate and work through our differences. The Polarisation stage is about standing up for what is important while also remaining in a relationship and being open to our partner’s opposing points of view.

When we are raw and triggered into strong emotions by each other, this can feel impossible. Arguments become unmanageable; issues cannot be discussed, and resentment grows. We may become engulfed in hurt feelings and begin to distrust one another. There may be a sense of failure and a desire for things to return to how they were at the start of the relationship.

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling? It’s natural to wonder, ‘How come other couples we know seem to manage while we’re struggling? Events that cause polarisation include:

Making a commitment

Moving in together

Soon after getting married

Just before or soon after having children

A break of trust

Polarisation typically begins a few years into a marriage or committed relationship when it feels safe to progress beyond the maintenance stage. A partner may attempt to cope with feelings of disconnection by engaging in pornography, drinking, having an affair, or doing something else that leads to a breach of trust.

Our parents/caregivers provided us with a relationship model template. It is where we learned to love and protect ourselves from harm. These unconscious bonding patterns are still active and are triggered by our partner. Our nervous system influences how we respond to conflict because of our early experiences with our parents.

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling? We often protect ourselves by unconsciously attempting to control our partner by adopting a parental role. In response, they start an argument to defend the activated vulnerable child’s feelings. It may surprise you to learn that you and your partner unconsciously co-create the problems. It takes two to tango. It’s strange, but it’s how our unconscious works! Have you ever noticed how your partner can irritate you more than anyone else?

Some couples are fortunate in that they can “live with” their bonding patterns without having to confront them. Many of us can benefit from spending some time understanding our bonding patterns in order to stop reacting in the same ways and having the same arguments over and over.

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling? Relationship counselling provides a safe space to explore. We will look at how you trigger each other and how to make sense of it so that you can take a step back, see what is going on, and respond rather than react. You discover that issues can be discussed and resolved without the need for repeated arguments.

Healing – Conflicts are Worked Through

Healing is a gradual process in which we learn to include both our strengths and vulnerability. We recognize the limitations of what our partner can provide for us, as well as how to love and nourish ourselves when our partner cannot. We accept accountability for the relationship patterns that no longer serve us. We learn to trust once more.

Is Relationship Counselling A Good Idea? Relationship counselling provides you with the opportunity/skills/framework to stop blaming each other and instead work on the shared bonding pattern. You can end “the relationship (pattern) as it is” and learn how to love again from a place of authentic intimacy and choice together.

Intimacy – Building A Strong Emotional Bond

We all desire to be loved and to be loved. Barriers must be removed in order for a “meeting of hearts” to occur. Intimacy is difficult because it requires us to take risks, risk rejection, and open our hearts. We frequently reconnect to our past longing and dependency in intimate moments. Relationship counselling assists you in gradually reconnecting emotionally with each other and re-establishing your emotional bond.

What Happens During Relationship Counselling?

What Happens During Relationship Counselling?

What Happens During Relationship Counselling? During relationship counseling, a therapist or counselor works with a couple or individuals in a relationship to identify and address any issues or problems that may be affecting the relationship.

The counseling sessions may include discussions about communication, trust, intimacy, conflict resolution, and other topics related to the relationship. The therapist may also provide tools and strategies for improving the relationship, such as effective communication techniques or conflict resolution skills.

The goal of relationship counseling is to help couples or individuals understand and overcome any challenges they may be facing and improve their relationship overall.

What Happens During Relationship Counselling? The initial session of couples counseling is always conducted in the manner of an interview. The therapist will learn about the couple’s history, how they handle life transitions, and how they deal with conflict and decision-making.

The therapist will ask the couple to set a goal, either for homework or during a session. The goal will look different for each partner, but it is important to be as specific as possible and to decide how you will know if you are on track.

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling? The therapist will then assist the couple in developing a small homework task to complete outside of therapy. It could be as simple as catching each other doing something nice throughout the week.

Alternatively, homework can be more involved, such as scheduling a short date after each therapy session. Mini dates, such as sharing a cup of coffee or walking around a store for 20 minutes WITHOUT discussing therapy, are excellent for unwinding after a counseling session by sharing a neutral experience.

What Happens During Relationship Counselling? The second couples counseling session begins with a review of the homework. If the intervention is successful, the therapist will assist each person in highlighting how they completed their portion of the homework, as well as identifying what went well overall and how to replicate successful interactions.

What Happens During Relationship Counselling? The therapist can use the momentum to begin addressing the relationship issues that the couple identified in their first session.

If the homework did not go well, the therapist can provide education about healthy marriage principles to help the couple relax and take an objective look at their relationship. Alternatively, the therapist will facilitate a discussion to assist the couple in identifying what went wrong in the previous week and coping with the emotions associated with the experience.

Partners are frequently stuck viewing unsuccessful attempts at change as a failure. The therapist’s goal is for the couple to recognize the effort it took to try in the first place, and then to use what they learned from the first attempt to try again.

What Happens During Relationship Counselling? The focus of subsequent couples counseling sessions will be on addressing the couple’s problem areas and goals. This entails resolving sticking points, managing emotional intensity, and ensuring that the couple understands how to repair when conversations go awry.

Couples generally begin effectively conversing independently of the therapist throughout this process, both in session and at home, thereby building success and confidence levels.

As the couple improves their interaction skills, the therapist will prepare them for potential setbacks, which could range from upcoming family experiences to common discussions that cause arguments. This transforms a couple’s challenges into opportunities, strengthening their bond and confidence in one another.

Why Do Couples Go To Counselling?

Why Do Couples Go To Counselling?

Why Do Couples Go To Counselling? There are numerous reasons why couples seek therapy. Sometimes it is to deal with something from the past, something that is currently happening or to prepare for the future.

Whatever the reason you and your spouse are going to therapy, know that it is a huge step toward demonstrating that you care about the relationship and your family.

Why Do Couples Go To Counselling? Couples frequently seek therapy when they are experiencing:

  1. Communication difficulties

Some couples simply struggle to communicate. They may have been raised in families with different communication styles, or they may have developed negative communication habits in their relationship, making it difficult for them to communicate effectively

  1. Not speaking

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling? When communication becomes difficult, some couples stop talking. Couples can’t work through important issues like parenting, budgeting, and being affectionate if they don’t communicate.

  1. Addiction: drugs, alcohol, E.T.C.

The use of harmful substances can cause problems in a couple or family. It is frequently difficult for the user to admit or recognize how their substance use is affecting their family. A parent, both parents, or even a child could be that user.

Why Do Couples Go To Counselling? Many couples require assistance in finding ways to strengthen their family ties and learn how to stop using substances that harm their marriage or family.

  1. Trouble with the children

Let’s face it: parenting is difficult. It was extremely difficult. Every child is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. Your family may even have a child or children who are involved with a dangerous crowd, substance, or habit.

  1. Lack of trust

It can be difficult to trust someone again after they have betrayed your trust. Marriage counseling can help even if the trust-breaking event occurred a long time ago. Many couples come to understand what is hurting each other and how they can create healthy patterns to not hurt each other and regain trust in marriage counseling.

  1. Just need to speak to someone

Why Do Couples Go To Counselling? Life is difficult in general, and many people simply need someone to talk to. A therapist has received extensive training in listening and assisting people in working through their thoughts, feelings, emotions, or situations.

  1. Wish to learn how to improve

Nobody is flawless. That’s just the way things are. Everyone can improve on something. Many couples seek marriage counseling to prevent problems from worsening, improve communication skills, learn how to create a fulfilling relationship, and avoid creating unhealthy patterns in their relationship.

  1. Major changes are on the way

Why Do Couples Go To Counselling? Big changes in the family can be complicated. Even when the changes are exciting, such as starting a family, having more children, purchasing a home, getting a new job, moving, or entering a new stage of life. Many couples like to plan for big changes and know how to deal with them successfully.

Do Couples Counsellors Tell You To Break Up?

Do Couples Counsellors Tell You To Break Up?

Do Couples Counsellors Tell You To Break Up? Couples counselors generally do not tell couples to break up. Their goal is to help couples improve their relationship and resolve any issues they may be facing.

Do Couples Counsellors Tell You To Break Up? If a counselor determines that a relationship is harmful or abusive, they may suggest that it is best for the individuals involved to separate. Ultimately, the decision to break up or stay together is up to the couple themselves.

If a couple decides that there isn’t enough left to save the relationship, the counsellor or psychologist can help you negotiate how to separate and end the relationship most healthily and amicably as possible.

Do Couples Counsellors Tell You To Break Up? Although many of us consider the beginning and end of a relationship to be the most important aspects of the relationship, how we end a relationship can be just as important.

Endings can have a significant impact on how well and easily we recover from a relationship and how difficult it is to move forward into a new relationship.

Do Couples Counsellors Tell You To Break Up? Ending a romantic relationship after several years is rarely as simple as packing a suitcase and walking out the door for couples who have been together for several years.

Do Couples Counsellors Tell You To Break Up? There will need to be a discussion about how to tell the children and how to determine responsibilities for the children if there are children involved in the relationship, whether they are children of the relationship or children from a blended family.

Spending time with the children, financial arrangements, and parental responsibility agreements are examples of these responsibilities.

What Not To Say In Couples Counselling?

What Not To Say In Couples Counselling?

What Not To Say In Couples Counselling? In couples counseling, it is important to avoid blaming or criticizing your partner, as well as making ultimatums or threats. It is also important to avoid discussing private details about your relationship with others, as well as refusing to participate in the counseling process.

It is best to approach the counseling sessions with an open mind and a willingness to work on improving the relationship.

What Not To Say In Couples Counselling?


The truth is that therapy can help any couple. You don’t have to be in a bad relationship or on the verge of divorce to seek therapy. Participating in behavioral treatments that investigate how thoughts influence behaviors can always teach you something new about yourself and your relationship.

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling? The stigma associated with talking to a therapist is fading, and more people are realizing that counseling is similar to taking an educational course where the topic is you. The skills you learn will assist you in becoming the best version of yourself.


What Not To Say In Couples Counselling? Some people are hesitant to try therapy and say they will stop if they do not see significant changes after one session. That is an unjust threat because your relationship problems did not arise overnight and cannot be resolved in a single session.

In couples counseling, the first session is when you get to know your therapist, discuss the therapeutic process, and set goals. Couples counseling is one of the shortest treatments, typically lasting six to ten sessions.

Couples counseling can also last longer depending on the issues and how long they have been present and unresolved. Make a commitment to attend all sessions. Each one will result in minor improvements.

What Not To Say In Couples Counselling?


Hiding information from your spouse will harm your marriage. It is the same as lying to your partner if you do not tell them something. Asking your therapist to lie for you will cause more harm. Furthermore, if your therapist knows a secret, they will feel awkward around your spouse.

They must remain a neutral participant in the therapy, not taking sides. My approach is to advise couples who have secrets to gain comfortability in individual sessions with the goal of gaining comfort in couples therapy to disclose to their spouse.

Instead, collaborate with your therapist to find ways to convey information to your spouse that they may find difficult to hear. To prepare, you can role-play and practice various outcomes.


What Not To Say In Couples Counselling? It is natural to want to flee when you are hurt, angry, frustrated, or even afraid. It is a coping mechanism, albeit ineffective. Some spouses say, “I want a divorce,” which is exactly what they do not want. They are in pain and have no idea how to deal with it. An instinct is to try to make their spouse suffer as well.

If this sounds like you, you are not alone. You can learn how to stop reacting in this way in couples therapy and instead learn how to use your feelings positively.

In healthy relationships and couples therapy, honesty is essential. Assume you’re thinking about leaving the relationship after you finish treatment.

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling Conclusion

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling Conclusion

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling Conclusion. We may end up separating if we are unable to learn how to manage our feelings and reactivity differently and to respond rather than react. We will almost certainly face the same difficulties in our next relationship.

Is It Worth Going To Relationship Counselling Conclusion. Learning to relate is a lifelong process of healing and development. It is preferable to seek assistance from an Imago Relationship Therapist while you have the opportunity. The time, effort, and money required will be well worth it, and it will undoubtedly save you time, effort, and money separating and starting over.

Further reading

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